Family ties. . . an adoption story

A few pictures
Home | Thoughts | THE STORY | Story continued | Ties | A few pictures | My mom | Daily Journal News | My father | More siblings. | Family Photo Album | My Aunt Janet. . . | Uncle Obie and Aunt Mae | More Paternal Family Pictures | Cousin Tim Sturgill | Contact Me | Adoptees Seeking Heritage | More searches | The Final Chapter | My grandson. | Granddaughter

On this page, I will introduce those that are dear to me, err, for starters. (you will see why it is for starters soon)


This is my sister and I. I am in the IU shirt on the left, and Denise, of course. . .she is on the right. (for those of you who couldn't figure it out.)


This is a picture of my Aunt Lyndall, Denise and myself.


This picture is of my brothers, Jimmy, age 35, on far left. Mom, age 52 (Mary), me, age 36 and Bo, the "baby" age 32.


This is 3 generations of Oricks. My late Grandmother Ina Christopher Orick, my mom, and myself, when I was younger. I always wondered who's nose I had. It is the Orick nose!